您可以使用 Exchange 市場按諸多類別(包括商店類型和地點)瀏覽所有在售商店。當您找到可能合適的商店后,即可開啟購買流程。
您可以使用 Exchange 市場按諸多類別(包括商店類型和地點)瀏覽所有在售商店。當您找到可能合適的商店后,即可開啟購買流程。
我們的目標是確保您在購買商店時能夠擁有輕松、無縫且安全的體驗。無論您購買的是何種規模的商店,都將得到專門的 Exchange 支持團隊的全程支持。
自 Exchange 推出以來,我們的交易平臺已售出了數千個商店。您是否是第一次經營在線商店? 支持隨時準備解答您的任何問題,為您提供幫助。
Exchange 用戶要求
賣家創建 Escrow 交易。
Escrow 確認收到付款。
在 Escrow 中將所有資產標記為已接收。
在 Escrow 中將所有資產標記為已接受。
Shopify 賬戶團隊會在 3 個工作日內將您從員工轉為店主。當所有權轉讓完成后,您會收到通知。
您的資金將通過 Escrow 交易支付給賣家。Escrow 交易此時已完成,無法退貨或退款。
我們的目標是為想要在 Exchange 上購買或出售商店的任何人提供公平且安全的環境。為了實現這一目標,我們設定了以下要求和準則:
您需要年滿 18 歲。
如果您居住在 Escrow 不支持的以下某個國家或地區,則無法使用 Exchange:
請勿使用 Exchange 市場推廣產品或服務。
Exchange 市場不支持競價形式。賣家需要設置要價并保持不變,以避免使買家困惑并產生消極體驗。
請勿在產品頁面或任何通信內容中詢問或包含個人郵箱、電話號碼或任何其他形式的聯系信息,也請勿在 Exchange 市場以外進行對話。買家和賣家應僅通過 Exchange 進行交流。
始終讓 Exchange 為您進行商店所有權更改。
Exchange 不支持搜索業務合作伙伴。要在 Exchange 上列出商店,則需要完全出售整個商店。
所有產品頁面都應是唯一的,并且不是現有 Exchange 產品頁面的副本。
Exchange 上銷售的在線商店模板需要是唯一的。為避免因買家不滿而導致的問題,每個售出的商店絕不能是另一個商店的復制品。
與合作伙伴創建的常規開發在線商店不同,在 Exchange 上列出的商店不符合傭金的條件。
請勿鼓勵任何一方在 Exchange 的付款之外開始支付交易。如果交易在 Exchange 市場 Escrow.com 流程之外完成,Shopify 無法幫助您處理與此交易相關的任何問題。在 Exchange 之外使用 Escrow.com 開始新的交易會被視為不符合授權的 Exchange 付款流程。所有官方 Exchange 交易都會在 Escrow.com 交易中將 exchange-payments@shopify.com
Find a listing that interests you.
Message the seller.
When the seller responds, send an offer.
Seller accepts offer.
Seller creates Escrow transaction.
You are notified to accept the terms and submit payment.
Escrow approves the payment.
Seller transfers all assets to you.
Mark all assets as received in Escrow.
Conduct your inspection period.
Mark all assets as acpted in Escrow.
The Shopify Accounts team turns you from staff to the store owner within 3 business days. You will be notified when this ownership transfer is completed.
Your funds will be disbursed to the seller from the Escrow transaction. The Escrow transaction is finalized at this point, and a return or refund is not possible.
It is our goal to provide a fair and safe environment for anyone who wants to buy or sell a business on Exchange. To help achieve this, we've set the following requirements and guidelines:
You need to be at least 18 years old.
If you live in one of the following countries or regions that Escrow does not support, then you can't use Exchange:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cuba, C?te d'Ivoire, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Moldova, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Russian Federation, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe
Don't use Exchange Marketplace to promote a product or service.
Exchange Marketplace doesn’t support an auction format. Sellers are expected to set and adhere to their asking price so that they don't confuse buyers and create a negative experience.
Don't ask for or include a personal email address, phone number, or any other form of contact information in a listing or any communications, and don’t move the conversation off of the Exchange Marketplace. Buyers and sellers should only communicate through Exchange.
Always have Exchange make store ownership changes for you.
Exchange doesn't support searches for business partnerships. A business needs to be sold in its entirety in order to be listed on Exchange.
All listings should be unique and not copies of existing Exchange listings.
Online store templates that are sold on Exchange need to be unique. To avoid issues with dissatisfied buyers, it's important that each business sold is not a duplicated version of another one.
Unlike regular development online stores made by partners, businesses that are listed on Exchange are not eligible for a commission.
You might be subjected to a "Know your customer" request, to confirm your identity.
Don't encourage either party to begin a payment transaction outside of Exchange's payment flow. If a transaction is completed outside of the Exchange Marketplace Escrow.com flow, then Shopify can't help you with any issues that involve that transaction. Using Escrow.com outside of Exchange to begin a new transaction is considered outside of the authorized Exchange payment flow. All official Exchange transactions will have exchange-payments@shopify.com
listed as the broker in the Escrow.com transaction.
Getting started with buying a business on Exchange Marketplace
Tips for new business owners
Resolving concerns about an Exchange Marketplace listing or transaction