您的買家需要擁有 Facebook 賬戶,并且需要為該業務頁面點贊或成為您的 Facebook 好友,然后您才能轉讓 Facebook 業務頁面的所有權。您接下來即可將買家設為 Facebook 公共主頁的管理員。
您的買家需要擁有 Facebook 賬戶,并且需要為該業務頁面點贊或成為您的 好友,然后您才能轉讓 Facebook 業務頁面的所有權。您接下來即可將買家設為 Facebook 公共主頁的管理員。
從 Facebook 賬戶中訪問 Facebook 公共主頁。
如果您已同意將商店的 Instagram 賬戶一同出售,則需在轉讓期間負責將該賬戶的所有權轉讓給買家。
在您的移動設備上打開 Instagram 應用并轉到設置。
如果已啟用雙重驗證,請將其禁用。要將其禁用,您可以點擊設置 > 隱私和安全下的雙重驗證鏈接。
在設置中,點擊已鏈接的賬戶。請確保您的買家可訪問您在此列出的計劃轉讓的任何賬戶(如 Facebook 業務頁面或 Twitter 賬戶)。如果有任何您不會轉讓給買家的已鏈接的賬戶,您需要在此處將其刪除。
在設置中,點擊付款。刪除任何存檔的信用卡或 PIN。
轉到編輯個人資料 > 個人信息,查看存檔的聯系信息。
點擊完成。如果 Instagram 向您發送電子郵件,要求確認個人資料信息更改,請將此電子郵件轉發給買家,以便讓買家自行確認。
如果您同意出售任何與商店相關聯的域名,并且該域名是通過 Shopify 購買的,則可以通過 Shopify 后臺轉讓所有權。
在 Shopify 后臺中,轉到設置 > 域名。
將所有權轉讓給買家并且買家成為新的店主后,所有域名續訂費用都將由買家承擔。如果您通過 GoDaddy 或 Namecheap 等第三方托管商購買了域名,請與域名托管商聯系,以獲取有關如何將域名所有權轉讓給買家的信息。
如果您的商店依賴于 Printful 應用為訂單發貨,則您需要將該應用的所有權轉讓給買家。要轉讓您的 Printful 賬戶,請首選確保已從賬戶中刪除您的信用卡,然后再更改賬戶登錄詳細信息。
在 Shopify 后臺,轉到應用 > Printful。
點擊付款方式旁邊的 X 進行刪除。
提取您的 Printful 錢包中的所有剩余資金。
在 Printful 應用中,點擊您的姓名,然后點擊設置。
當買家郵箱出現在您的賬戶設置中后,讓買家知道您已更改 Printful 應用的賬戶信息。您可以與分享您創建的新郵箱和密碼。此時,買家可以更改密碼。
當買家接受后,您會收到一封電子郵件,告知您即將收到付款。Escrow.com 會通過銀行轉賬方式發放付款,資金可能需要 7 個工作日才能轉入您的賬戶。
此時,Exchange 會收到指示交易已完成的通知,并將買家從員工更改為店主。所有權轉讓將在 3 個工作日內完成。
Shopify 賬戶團隊會負責刪除您的信用卡并禁用您的 Shopify Payments 賬戶,以便讓新的所有者輸入他們自己的財務信息。有關所有權轉讓流程的運作方式,請參閱轉讓商店。當轉讓完成后,您會收到電子郵件通知。
出售商店時,要求您使用 Escrow 付款的幾個原因如下:
在您向買家轉讓商店之后,買家將無法發起拒付。所有 Escrow 交易都將中止。
Escrow 和 Exchange 共同解決銷售期間可能出現的任何爭議。一些爭議可能需要遵循爭議解決流程。并非所有爭議都可以僅通過 Exchange 和 Escrow 解決。
Escrow 可通過預留和驗證買家的付款來保護您免受欺詐性買家的侵害。
Exchange 能夠保護您的財務數據并將所有權安全轉讓給買家。
, then you can transfer their ownership through your Shopify admin.Steps:
From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Domains.
Click the Manage link next to the domain you want to transfer.
From the Manage page, click Edit next to Registrar Information.
Change the information to your buyer's name and contact information.
After ownership has been transferred to your buyer and they've become the new store owner, all domain renewal fees will be charged to them. If you purchased your domain through a third party host such as GoDaddy or Namecheap, please contact the domain host for information on how to transfer ownership of the domain name to your buyer.
Some apps might have your personal contact information, be sure to check each app and update them with your buyer's information.
Transfer Printful account
If your business relies on the Printful app to fulfill orders, then it's necessary for you to transfer ownership of the app to your buyer. To transfer your Printful account, start by ensuring that your credit card is removed from the account and then change the account login details.
From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Printful.
Click on your name and then click Billing.
Click the X beside your payment method to delete.
Withdraw any funds remaining in your Printful wallet.
From the Printful app, click on your name and then click Settings.
Change the password to a generic password to be shared with your buyer when the transfer is complete. You'll need to enter your old password then create a new one.
Change the Full name to your buyer's name and click Save changes.
Change the email address to the buyer's email address that they are using as staff. An email will be sent to your buyer. When your buyer accepts the changes, you will see the new email address in your settings.
After the buyer's email address appears in your account settings, let them know that you've changed the account information for the Printful app. You can share the new email address and password you created with the buyer. At this point, the buyer can change the password.
Step 6: Buyer accepts the assets
After you’ve sent all assets that were agreed upon, and the buyer has received them and performed their inspection period, the buyer needs to mark all assets as accepted.
After the buyer acpts, you'll receive an email letting you know that your payment is on the way. Payments from Escrow.com are made by bank transfer, and can take up to 5 business days to appear in your account.
Accounts team transfers ownership of the businessAt this point, Exchange is notified that the transaction is complete, and changes the buyer from staff to store owner. Transfer of ownership occurs within three business days.
The Shopify Accounts team removes your credit card and disables your Shopify Payments account for the new owner to input their own financial information. See Transferring your business to learn how the ownership transfer process works. You are notified by email once the transfer is complete.
Benefits of using Escrow
There are a few different reasons why you're required to use Escrow payments when you sell your business:
There is no risk that your buyer will file a chargeback after you transfer your business to them. All Escrow transactions are final.
Escrow and Exchange work together to settle any dispute that could arise during the sale. Some disputes might need to follow the dispute resolution process. Not all disputes can be settled by Exchange and Escrow alone.
Escrow protects you from fraudulent buyers by securing and verifying their payment.
Exchange is able to protect your financial data and securely transfer ownership of your business.