Exchange 會自動顯示您商店存在期間的總收入;但是作為出售商店的人,您可以決定是否告知買家扣除支出后的總利潤。Shopify 不會為您計算成本,因此,您最好花些時間來全面地計算一下運營產品頁面中的商店所涉及的所有成本。這樣可以幫助買家了解您是一位值得信賴的賣家,您已做好充分的準備來將自己的商店移交給合適的買家。
Exchange 會自動顯示您商店存在期間的總收入;但是作為出售商店的人,您可以決定是否告知買家扣除支出后的總利潤。Shopify 不會為您計算成本,因此,您最好花些時間來全面地計算一下運營產品頁面中的商店所涉及的所有成本。這樣可以幫助買家了解您是一位值得信賴的賣家,您已做好充分的準備來將自己的商店移交給合適的買家。
商店的 訂閱套餐月租
可以采用以下方式來計算利潤率:計算您的利潤(銷售額減去用于經營商店的所有費用),然后將其除以總銷售額。將得出的結果乘以 100 以得到百分比值。
Quickbooks 和 Xero 都可以與 Shopify 集成,使您能夠快速計算商店的利潤并生成損益表。下面是操作說明:
如果您使用 Shopify 的 Quickbooks 集成應用,則可以快速從 QBO 賬戶中導出損益表。
在 QuickBooks 在線賬戶中,點擊報告選項卡,然后點擊“商店概覽”報告中的損益鏈接。這將打開您的損益表。
在損益報告中,可以看到按特定日期篩選報告的選項。因為 Exchange 會在您的產品頁面上顯示商店存在期間的總收入,所以我們建議您導出一份從建立商店時開始計算的損益報告。
將您的損益表導出為 PDF 文件格式,使它能夠被上傳到 Exchange 產品頁面的財務文檔部分。
如果您已在 Shopify 中使用 Xero 應用來將訂單集成到 Xero 會計軟件,則可以快速從 Xero 中導出損益報告。
首先,在 Xero 控制面板的主菜單中,點擊報告下拉列表中的損益表。選擇您希望顯示什么時間范圍的損益表以生成報告。因為 Exchange 會在您的產品頁面上顯示商店存在期間的總收入,因此我們建議您生成一份從建立商店時開始計算的損益報告。
在報告中,您將看到導出選項。將報告導出為 PDF 文件格式并將它上傳到產品頁面的財務文檔部分。
顯示的數據是僅從完整月份中收集的。報告會在每月的第二天自動更新以顯示上一個月的數據。 如果您的商店在 Exchange 上列出期間達成了任何銷售,此信息直到下月初才會在產品頁面的營收數據中體現。
如果您發現產品頁面的收入與其他報告不一致,可能是因為每個月月初更新了收入。如果您在月中列出商店,則直到下個月月初才會報告您在該月達成的銷售額。計算的銷售額僅包括向 Shopify 提供的信息和 Shopify 可核實的銷售額。已核實銷售額是通過 Shopify 處理的 Exchange 可核實的訂單。
已核實的銷售額包括通過在線商店、Buy Button、Shopify POS 和 Facebook Shop 完成的銷售額。如果您對自己的收入以及可否核實某銷售額有任何疑問,請向 發送電子郵件。
Exchange 還會從通過一些第三方應用實現的銷售中獲取收入數據。不同于通過以上所列渠道核實的銷售額,Exchange 無法保證通過這些應用生成的收入是正確的,因為此收入依賴于 Shopify 外部構建的第三方應用程序。這些可核實的應用包括:
ReCharge Recurring Billing & Subscriptions
Bold 提供的 Recurring Orders & Subscription Box 應用
CartHook Checkout
inkFrog Open
Codisto LINQ
Edit Order by Cleverific
除了此處列出的渠道和應用外,從未托管在 Shopify 中的結賬系統生成的銷售額無法得到核實。
Calculating your average monthly profit
Exchange automatically displays your business's lifetime revenue, but it's up to you as the person selling their business to let buyers know what your total profit is after expenses. Shopify does not calculate your costs for you, so it's a great idea to take the time to thoroughly calculate all the costs involved in running the business in your listing. This helps buyers see that you're a trustworthy seller who's fully prepared to hand their business over to the right buyer.
To start, you need to add up your monthly expenses. Your profit is your total revenue minus expenses. When calculating your expenses, make sure to include the following:
pri of your store's monthly Shopify subscription plan
total cost of recurring charges for apps used by your business
total amount you spend on advertising each month
total cost of goods sold on an average month
amount that you pay any freelancers or employees
Add up the total cost of these expenses and subtract it from your total revenue to get your profit amount.
Keep in mind that your average monthly profit is displayed on your listing to give buyers a rough idea as to how much it costs to run your business and how much they could make themselves. Including this information in your listing greatly improves your chances of finding a quality buyer.
Because this number is only an average amount, you should also be prepared for buyers who ask for more detailed information about your monthly expenses. It's always a good idea to prepare for this by generating a profit and loss statement. For more information, see Profit and loss statements.
Average profit margin
To give buyers a better understanding of your business's potential, you should include your average profit margin in your listing. This is the percentage of profit that you make after all your expenses are deducted from your total revenue.
The profit margin is displayed on your listing as a percentage. Although most business's profit margins vary month to month and product to product, you should give buyers an idea of what your total margins are on average.
To calculate your profit margins, calculate your profit (the sales you made minus all the money you spent running the store) and then divide that by the total amount you make in sales. After you have that, multiply that number by 100 to get the percentage.
Profit and loss statements
The Profits and Loss statements (P&L, Income Statement, or Statement of Earnings) is a summary of your business's total profits and expenses for a specific period of time. This statement gives you the bOTTOm line profit or net loss of your business. It's important to let potential buyers know if your business is profitable, and if so, show them just how profitable it is. The fit and Loss statement is the easiest way for someone that is interested in buying your business to understand this at a glance.
Generating a profit and loss statement
You can easily export and upload your profit and loss statement to your listings using an accounting software.
Both Quickbooks and Xero integrate with Shopify, letting you quickly calculate your business's profit and generate a P&L statement. Here are instructions on how to do:
Exporting a profit and loss statement from Quickbooks
If you use the Quickbooks integrated app for Shopify, then you can quickly export a profit and loss statement from your QBO account.
From your Quickbooks online account, click on the Reports tab then click the Profit and Loss link within your Business Overview reports. This opens your profit and loss report.
Inside the Profit and Loss report, there are options to filter the report by specific dates. Because Exchange displays your business's lifetime revenue on your listing, we recommend that you export a report that shows your profit and loss of the lifetime of your business.
Export your Profit and Loss statement as a PDF file so that it can be uploaded to the financial documents section of your Exchange listing.
Generating a profit and loss statement from Xero
If you've used the Xero app in Shopify to integrate your orders to the Xero accounting software, then you can quickly export a Profit and Loss report from Xero.
First, click Profit and Loss from the Reports drop-down in the main menu of your Xero dashboard. Select the timeframe for that you want your profit and loss statement to report. Because Exchange displays your business's lifetime revenue on your listing, we recommend generating a report for your profits and losses from the beginning of your business's lifetime.
Within the report, you'll see the option to export it. Export your report as a PDF file and upload it to the Financial Documents section of your listing.
Understanding your business's revenue data
The data displayed is gathered from full month periods only. The report updates automatically by the second day of each month to show the previous month’s data. If your business makes any sales while it is listed on Exchange, then the information doesn't contribute to your listing's revenue figures until the start of the next month.
If you notice that the revenue from your listing does not match other reports, then it could be because the revenue is updated at the beginning of each month. If you list your business midway through the month, the sales you make during that month won't be reported until the beginning of the following month. The sales that are calculated include only the information that is available to and can be verified by Shopify. Verified sales are orders that are made through Shopify that Exchange is able to verify.
Verified sales include sales made through your online store, the Buy button, Shopify POS, and Facebook Shop. If you have questions about your revenue and whether or not a sale can be verified, then send an email to
Exchange also pulls revenue data from sales made through some third-party apps. Unlike the sales verified through the channels listed above, Exchange can't guarantee that the revenue generated through these apps is correct because it relies on third-party applications built outside of Shopify. These verifiable apps are:
ReCharge Recurring Billing & Subscriptions
Recurring Orders & Subscription Box App by Bold
CartHook Checkout
inkFrog Open
Codisto LINQ
Edit Order by Cleverific
Other than the channels and apps listed here, sales generated from a checkout system hosted outside of Shopify can't be verified.
The sales data on listings can't be modified. We recommend including information about third-party sales in your listing's description and upload any screenshots that might validate these sales.