為幫助商戶更好地經營和銷售正品品牌產品,Wish 要求在 Wish 上銷售正品品牌產品的商戶使用品牌目錄(在商戶平臺上,前往“產品”>“品牌產品”>“品牌目錄”)中的品牌名稱標記每個正品品牌產品:
標記所有品牌產品后,Wish 商戶可以更好地營銷其品牌產品,從而獲得更多潛在的曝光量與銷量。此外,為產品標記品牌可以幫助 Wish 更好地執行與仿品相關的商戶政策,為全球商戶和用戶營造更加健康的市場環境。
本文將為商戶詳細說明如何在 Wish 上標記正品品牌產品。
若要標記現有產品,請首先在商戶平臺上前往產品 > 更新現有產品 > 手動:
同樣,若要標記新產品,請首先前往產品 > 添加新產品 > 手動:
通過 CSV 文件
通過 CSV 文件編輯或添加產品時,商戶可將品牌的“產品品牌 ID”輸入到 CSV 文件的“Requested Product Brand ID”(請求的產品品牌 ID)列,以此方式添加品牌。
“產品品牌 ID”可以直接從品牌目錄頁面(如下所示)復制粘貼到 CSV 文件中:
通過 API:
商戶也可以通過 API 標記正品品牌產品,具體如下:
獲取可使用的品牌列表,即,可在 Wish 上用來標記產品的品牌列表
在“創建產品”和“更新產品”API 請求中,新增了一個“requested_product_brand_id”參數,供商戶標記正品品牌產品的產品品牌 ID。
“product_brand_name”是指通過“requested_product_brand_id”提供的“產品品牌 ID”所對應的“產品品牌名稱”;
如需了解更多信息,請參閱這篇 API 文檔。
在商戶標記品牌產品后, 將對商戶的操作進行審核,并在審核之后批準或拒絕商戶的品牌標記操作,審核過程通常需要1-3個工作日。在商戶平臺上,商戶可從“編輯產品”彈窗中的“產品品牌狀態”一行中看到審核狀態:
若要批量查看所有產品及其“產品品牌狀態”,商戶還可以在“查看所有產品”頁面導出產品,在下載的電子表格中的“Product Brand Status”(產品品牌狀態)列查看具體狀態:
最后,正如上文“通過 API”部分所述,商戶也可以通過“product_brand_status”參數查看“產品品牌狀態”,此參數現已添加到“創建產品”、“檢索產品”和“列出所有產品”響應中。
如果標記操作通過了 Wish 的審核,您的產品將有機會展示于 Wish 應用端或網頁端 (wish.com) 的“Brands”(品牌)標簽頁中,從而增加品牌產品在目標用戶中的曝光機會。
此外,使用 ProductBoost 的部分商戶可以為其正品品牌產品創建推廣活動,從而通過 BrandBoost 獲得更多曝光量。
具體來說,當這部分商戶為已經正確標記品牌并獲 Wish 批準的正品品牌產品創建 ProductBoost 活動時,這些產品將自動包含到 BrandBoost 中。BrandBoost 是 ProductBoost 專為提升正品品牌產品曝光量而設計的活動,其目的是為產品分配曝光量,使正品品牌產品能夠展示給最感興趣和/或最有可能購買的用戶。
如需了解關于創建 ProductBoost 活動的更多信息,請參閱這篇常見問題解答文章。
請注意,BrandBoost 目前僅向部分商戶開放。以后可能會開放給更多商戶或所有商戶,屆時我們會另行通知。
1. 如果忘記為產品標記正確的品牌名稱會怎樣?
如果商戶忘記為正品品牌產品標記品牌,產品可能不會出現在 Wish 應用端或網頁端的“Brands”(品牌)或“Outlet”(名品折扣店)標簽頁中,從而無法獲得更高的曝光量和/或銷量。
因此,及時用品牌目錄中的正確品牌名稱標記所有正品品牌產品是至關重要的,也是必須的。同時,正確及時地標記每個品牌產品還可以幫助商戶更好地推廣其品牌產品,從而在 Wish 上獲得更多潛在的曝光量與銷量。
2. 我可以為產品標記相關的品牌嗎?例如,用品牌名稱“Apple”標記 iPhone 手機殼?
不可以。商戶不能為產品標記相關的品牌名稱。品牌標簽必須與實際產品的品牌完全相符。就 iPhone 手機殼而言,除非是由 Apple 生產,否則不能用“Apple”品牌名稱來標記。
3. 現有的品牌授權流程有變化嗎?
4. 我可以推薦新的品牌名稱加入品牌目錄嗎?
How to tag authentic branded products with brand names from the Brand Directory?
To help merchants better market and sell their authentic branded products, Wish requires merchants who sell authentic branded items on Wish to tag each such listing with a brand name from a directory of known brands (the Brand Directory), accessible via Products > Branded Products > Brand Directory on the Merchant Dashboard:
With the new tag associated with each authentic branded item, Wish merchants can better facilitate the marketing of their branded products, leading to more potential impressions and sales. In addition, such tagging system helps Wish better enforce its Merchant Policies related to counterfeit products, fostering a healthier marketplace for all merchants and customers around the globe.
This article walks merchants through how to tag their authentic branded items on Wish.
How to tag authentic branded items?
Merchants are able to manually tag each existing or new product that is an authentic branded item.
When tagging existing products, first navigate to Products > Update Existing Products > Manual on the Merchant Dashboard:
On the page that follows, locate the product in question, and select “Edit Listing” in the “Actions” dropdown menu:
Merchants will be able to tag the product with a brand name in the “Product Brand Name” field dropdown menu under the “Optional Information” section, as shown below:
Similarly for new products, first navigate to Products > Add New Products > Manual:
On the page that follows, merchants are able to tag the product with a brand in the “Product Brand” field from a dropdown menu, as shown below:
When editing or adding products via CSV, merchants will be able to provide the “Product Brand” by inputting a brand’s Product Brand ID in the “Requested Product Brand ID” column in the CSV file.
The Product Brand ID can be copied directly in the Brand Directory page (as shown below), and pasted in the CSV file here:
Via API:
Merchants are able to tag their authentic branded items via API as well, specifically:
Get a list of available brands on Wish that can be used to tag products
A new parameter `requested_product_brand_id` is now added to “Create a Product” and “Update a Product” API requests for merchants to tag the Product Brand ID for each authentic branded item.
The corresponding parameters `requested_product_brand_id`, `product_brand_name`, `product_brand_status` are now added to the “Create a Product”, “Retrieve a Product”, and “List all Products” responses.
`product_brand_name` is the Product Brand Name corresponding to the Product Brand ID provided via `requested_product_brand_id`;
`product_brand_status` is the review status of the tagging action: Pending (currently under review), Rejected (tagging not successful), and Complete (tagging approved and successful);
The existing parameter `brand` has been deprecated (note that requests involving this deprecated parameter will not fail in the near future).
Please visit this API Documentation to learn more.
After tagging branded products, merchants’ action will be reviewed by Wish, and the associated brand tag added by merchants will either be approved or rejected after the review process, which typically takes 1-3 business days. The review status will be visible to merchants in the “Edit Product” popup modal “Product Brand Status” row on Merchant Dashboard:
The “Product Brand Status” could be:
Pending: tagging currently under review
Rejected: tagging not successful
Complete: tagging approved and successful
To view all products and their "Product Brand Status" in bulk, merchants may also export their products in View All Products page and review the "Product Brand Status" column in the downloaded spreadsheet:
Lastly, as noted above in “Via API”, the “Product Brand Status” will also be communicated to merchants via the `product_brand_status` parameter, which is now added to the “Create a Product”, “Retrieve a Product”, and “List all Products” responses.
If the tagging is approved by Wish, your products will be eligible to be shown in the “Brands” tab on the Wish app or wish.com with improved visibility among Wish customers looking to purchase authentic branded items:
In addition, select merchants who use may create campaigns for authentic branded products to gain additional exposure via BrandBoost.
Specifically, when these select merchants create ProductBoost campaigns for their authentic branded products that have been properly tagged and approved by , these products will be automatically included in BrandBoost, an initiative within ProductBoost that specifically optimizes impressions for authentic branded products. BrandBoost aims at allocating impressions in order to surface your authentic branded products to the users most likely to engage with and/or buy them.
Merchants may learn more about creating ProductBoost campaigns by visiting this FAQ article.
Please note that BrandBoost is currently only available to select merchants. We will notify merchants when it is more widely accessible to more or all merchants in the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What happens if I forget to tag a product with the correct brand name?
If merchants forget to tag an authentic branded item, the corresponding product may not be featured in the “Brands” or “Outlet” tab on the Wish app or wish.com; as a result, the product may not receive the increased exposure and potential boost in impressions and/or sales.
In addition, the listing may be removed if it is suspected to be a counterfeit product.
It is therefore crucial and required to promptly tag all authentic branded items with the correct brand names from the Brand Directory. Once again, correctly and promptly tagging each branded product can help merchants better facilitate the marketing of their branded items, leading to more potential impressions and sales on Wish.
2. Can I tag a product with a related brand? For example, can I tag an iPhone case with the brand name “Apple”?
No. Merchants should not tag a product with a related brand name. The brand tag needs to be the exact brand of the actual product. In the case of the iPhone case, unless the product itself is manufactured by Apple, merchants should NOT tag the product with “Apple” as the brand name.
3. Any changes to the existing Brand Authorizations process?
No. The existing process of adding Brand Authorizations remains unchanged and optional. However, brand tagging for authentic branded items is required.
4. Can I suggest a new brand name to be added to the Brand Directory?
You can learn how to suggest new brands to be added to the Brand Directory in this FAQ here.