10.1Wish Express 訂單必須在訂單釋放之日起5個自然日內履行,并在訂單釋放之日起5個工作日內確認妥投(某些目的國/地區除外)
10.1Wish Express 訂單必須在訂單釋放之日起5個自然日內履行,并在訂單釋放之日起5個工作日內確認妥投(某些目的國/地區除外)
根據商戶政策5.1,Wish Express 訂單必須在訂單釋放之日起5個自然日內履行(即標記發貨)。Wish Express 訂單還必須在訂單釋放之日起5個工作日內確認妥投,不包括可能適用的例外情況。工作日是指周一到周五,周末和 USPS 郵政假期將不被視為工作日。
所有訂單,包括 Wish Express 訂單,均需遵守商戶政策5.5 - 延時確認履行訂單政策。
根據 Wish 的訂單履行政策,商戶因延時履行訂單而導致自動退款,將被處以每個訂單$50.00*的賠款;商戶在履行訂單之前主動取消和/或退款的訂單,每個訂單將被處以$2.00*的賠款。
10Wish Express
Last updated on January 25, 2021
10.1Wish Express orders must be fulfilled within 5 calendar days and confirmed delivered within 5 business days (exceptions apply to certain destination countries) from the order-release date
Wish Express orders must be fulfilled (i.e., marked “shipped”) within 5 calendar days from the order-release date, per Merchant Policy 5.1. Wish Express orders also must be confirmed delivered within 5 business days from the order-release date, subject to any exceptions that may apply. Business days are defined as Monday through Friday, and weekends and USPS Postal holidays will not be considered business days.
All orders, including Express orders, are also subject to the Merchant Policy 5.5 - Late Confirmed Fulfillment Policy.
Orders refunded due to merchants being unable to fulfill them will be considered pre-fulfillment cancellations, which includes both auto-refunded orders due to late fulfillment and merchant-initiated refunds due to merchants’ inability to fulfill the orders for any reason.
Based on Wish's Fulfillment Policy, merchants will be penalized $50.00* per auto-refund due to late fulfillment, and $2.00* per merchant-initiated cancellation and/or refund before fulfillment.
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