商戶有時可能會注意到,其產品在 Wish 應用或網站上顯示為“售罄”,而實際上他們擁有充足的庫存可供銷售。以下說明了可能導致這種情況的三種常見情形及其解決方法:
商戶此前在商戶平臺上的賬戶 > 配送設置中設置了其產品支持配送的目的國/地區:
如果商戶目前所處的國家/地區不在其預設的配送目的國/地區中,則其在 Wish 應用或網站上查看相應產品時產品會顯示為“售罄”。位于商戶預設的配送目的國/地區中的用戶仍然可以在 Wish 上查看并購買相關產品。商戶可以前往商戶平臺的產品狀態頁面,查看產品的狀態詳情。如需了解有關如何查看產品狀態的更多信息,請參閱此指南。
商戶可在商戶平臺上針對每個產品開啟或屏蔽某些預設的目的國/地區。已開啟的目的國/地區的用戶可以在 Wish 上查看并購買相關產品,而被屏蔽的目的國/地區的用戶則無法查看和購買。因此,如果某件產品顯示“售罄”,有可能是因為商戶沒有為該產品開啟該目的國/地區。
若要查看和修改在產品級別開啟的目的國/地區,請前往產品 > 查看所有產品頁面。找到相關產品后,點擊其對應的“國家/地區運費”列下的運費或“啟用”按鈕:
Why is my product shown as “Sold Out” when I still have enough inventory?
Merchants sometimes may notice that their product is shown as “Sold Out” on the app or website when in fact they do have enough inventory to sell. There are three common scenarios for why this is happening and how to resolve the discrepancy:
Scenario 1: Merchants are viewing the product from a country/region they do not ship to
Merchants have previously set up destinations to ship their products to Account > Shipping Settings on the Merchant Dashboard:
If merchants are currently located in a country/region outside of their pre-set shipping destinations, their products will be shown as “Sold Out” to them on the Wish app or website. Customers located in the shipping destination pre-set by merchants are still able to view and purchase the products on Wish. Merchants may view their product status details by visiting the Product Listing Status page in Merchant Dashboard. Visit this guide on how to check the product listing status.
Merchants may also view and modify their products’ international shipping settings, including shipping prices for different destinations. Refer to this guide for more details.
Scenario 2: Merchants do not have certain destinations enabled for a particular product
Merchants are able to enable and disable certain pre-set destinations for each product listing on the Merchant Dashboard. Customers in enabled destinations can view and buy the product on Wish, whereas those in disabled destinations cannot. Therefore, one potential reason for a product showing as “Sold Out” is that merchants do not have certain destinations enabled for that product.
To check and modify the enabled destinations on a product level, navigate to the Products > View All Products page. Locate the product in question, and click the price or ‘Enable’ under the Country Shipping Price column for the product:
Merchants can enable or disable specific destinations in the “Edit International Shipping Options” page that follows:
For more details on enabling or disabling destinations on a product level or updating a product’s international shipping options, please refer to this guide.
If you have additional questions about any of the above scenarios, feel free to reach out to your Account Manager for assistance.