注意: 使用“繪畫”或“壁掛”等通用搜索詞可能會導致結果太多,使得您的商品淹沒在大量類似商品中。
商品缺貨: 驗證您的庫存量未顯示為“0”。您可以在管理庫存頁面的【可售數量】列中驗證和更新此信息。這可能是由以下幾種不同原因導致的:
私人用品和成人用品: 如果您的商品被標記為“私人用品”或“成人用品”,則不會顯示在通用搜索返回的結果中。請參閱以下內容,詳細了解何時使用這些字段。
成人用品: 成人用品應僅用于指明您的商品是專為性活動而設計的,還是包含色情圖片、標題或其他意在激發情欲的內容。鑒于此類商品不適合兒童或敏感人群,相關商品信息在亞馬遜網站上將受到限制。有關更多信息,請參閱成人用品政策和指南。
私人用品: 私人用品僅適用于您想要與特定買家共享的定制訂單。此類商品應在買家請求定制商品時使用,而且只有您直接向其發送鏈接,他們才能看到這些商品。私人用品不會顯示在您的店鋪或搜索結果中。如果此字段留空,則默認設為“否”。
系統未同步: 如果您剛剛添加商品,請等待系統同步。您的商品需要 3-4 小時才能完全同步并在網站上搜索到。
上傳庫存文件時出錯: 如果您最近上傳了庫存文件,則可能存在尚未解決的錯誤。請使用批量上傳商品頁面的【檢查庫存文件】功能來驗證您的庫存文件,然后重新上傳。
假期模式: 驗證您的假期設置是否處于【開啟】狀態。
賬戶正在接受商品質量或績效審核: 如果您收到買家投訴,請點擊賬戶狀況頁面的“商品政策合規性”部分中的【查看詳情】,稍微花點時間查看這些投訴。您應該還會在業績通知中收到相應的通知。有關商品質量或績效審核的更多信息,請參閱賬戶狀況常見問題。
現有銷售賬戶: 如果您已有個人銷售賬戶,但卻是初次使用 Amazon Handmade,那么在您的賬戶接受審核期間,您的商品將被暫停。在您提交相關文件后,審核最多需要三天時間。如果您尚未提交相關文件,請按照業績通知或賣家平臺主頁上所示橫幅中的說明進行操作。
新銷售賬戶: 新銷售賬戶需要接受身份驗證,且在通過驗證之前,您無法發布任何商品。
稅務信息缺失: 如果您的賬戶中缺失稅務信息,那么您在登錄時應該會看到賣家平臺主頁上顯示的橫幅。請按照橫幅中的說明提交要求提供的信息。
Common reasons you cannot find your Handmade listings
There are several reasons why you could be having difficulties finding your products listed on Amazon. These can range from issues related to the listings themselves to issues with your account.
When searching for your listings on the website, be sure you:
Check your title, description and key words and ensure they are specific to your product.
Use specific search terms when searching for your items on the website.
Note: Using general search terms like ‘painting’ or ‘wall hanging’ may bring up too many results and your listing may get lost within a very large group of listings for similar items.
Listing-related reasons
Items are out of stock: Verify the stock levels for your inventory do not say “0”. This can be validated and updated on your Manage Inventory page in the Available column. This can be due to a couple of different reasons:
You have sold out of stock.
Amazon has received orders equal to your last declared inventory amount.
You did not provide a quantity for your products when you created them.
Private & Adult listings: If your products are marked as ‘Prie’ or ‘Adult’ they will not be displayed via general search. See below for more detail on when to use these fields.
Adult Listings: Adult listings should only be used to specify whether your product is designed for use in sexual activities or that it contains explicit images, titles, or any other content intended to sexually arouse. Since these products are not suitable for children or sensitive audiences, the product listing will be restricted on Amazon. See Adult products policies & guidelines for more information.
Private Listings: Private listings are only for custom orders you want to share with a specific customer. These listings should be used if a customer requests a custom product, and can only be seen by customers if you send them the direct link. A private listing will not show up within your store or search results. If left blank, defaults to 'No.'
System has not synchronized: If you just added your listing, please allow the system to synchronize. This can take 3-4 hours until your listing is completely synchronized and searchable on the website.
Errors in Inventory Upload: If you recently uploaded an inventory file, there could have been errors that haven’t been addressed yet. Use the Check My File feature on the Add Products via Upload page to validate your Inventory File and then re-upload.
Account-related reasons
Vacation Mode: Verify that you that your Vacation Settings are set to Active.
Account is under product quality or performance review: If you have any customer complaints, take a moment to review them by clicking View details on the Product Policy Compliance section of the Account Health page. You should also have a corresponding notification in your Performance Notification. For more information related to Product Quality or Performance reviews, see Account Health FAQ.
Account is awaiting account verification:
Existing Selling Account: If you have an existing, Individual selling account, but are new to Handmade, your listings will be suspended while your account is being reviewed. This can take up to three days after submitting documentation. If you have not submitted your documentation, follow the instructions that either came in your Performance Notifications or in the banner displayed on the main page of Seller Central.
New Selling Account: New Selling accounts are subject to identity verification and you will not be able to list any products until you have passed verification.
Tax information is missing: If your tax information is missing from your account, you should see a banner displayed on the main page of Seller Central when logging in. Follow the instructions in the banner to submit the requested information.
Shipments have not been received: If your listings are Fulfilled by Amazon and your products sent to Amazon, they may not have arrived or finished the receiving process. You can verify shipments in your Shipping Queue.